With everyone having to stay home, some people may be getting a bit stir-crazy. Thing is, there are plenty of things you can do from the luxury of your home to feel spiritually connected and heard by the higher realms. Here are some of my recommendations:

Get In Touch with Nature (At Home)
If you have a yard, stand outside on the grass, barefoot. If you don't, open the windows and let the air in. Take a blanket and lay down upon it. Allow yourself 1 hour outside/in front of the window. Leave your phone somewhere else in the house, and turn off all notifications. Just be present in the moment. Take in a deep breath, and as you breathe out, envision roots coming out from your back and growing down into the earth (even if you're not on the ground floor). Connect to the earth as the breeze flows around you. Let all the things you no longer need to hold onto transfer through those roots into the earth, where it can be cleansed and transformed by the earth itself. Allow your mind to relax and wander in a deep mediation. Do this for at least an hour, so to unplug.

Create a Window Garden
We are allowed to go outside for walks, but maybe you aren't comfortable with doing that. That's okay! Go online and order some cacti or other household plants. Or ask your fellow green-thumbers for clippings to be sent to you. Put these little plants in a pot with rich soil and put them at your window where they can get healthy sunlight. Take care and nourish these plants, for they will do the same for your home.

Make a Mini Altar
Now this is fun. If you do not have an altar, you can easily make one. This is where you can do your prayers, offerings, meditations, etc. You can create your own little altar with a few household objects. A pretty tablecloth, a glass bowl of water, a match and candle, a bit of incense, and some earth clippings. This alone gives you an altar where you are reflecting the four earthly elements upon a special cloth. Just be aware that whatever items you induct into your altar are henceforth meant only for it. Do not use a bowl you plan to eat from later, or a candle you intend to keep for emergencies (ie: earthquake, hurricane, etc).
Your altar doesn't need to be big or grandiose. It just needs to resound within you, and be a place where you can feel a drawing of power (whether that be to you or from something else, that's up to you).
Bathe Your Crystals
Don't forget about the magickal supplies you have ready and waiting for you at home! Give them a little attention and love, especially if you haven't done so for a long time. Dust them, clean them, and then give them a thorough smudging. Above is a video of us cleansing the crystals customers have ordered on our website. It is a very simple practice, but it is greatly effective in washing off old energies. If you don't have anything to smudge with, you can easily stock up and have supplies sent to you.

Do a Smudging Touch Up for Yourself
While you're at it, give yourself a good smudging, too! You may be going through a lot mentally, and smudging is a great way to release it all.
There is only one thing about smudging that may not be beneficial right now. With the COVID-19 around, we want to make sure to not do anything to aggravate our lungs or breathing. So if you don't want to do smudging, you can instead......

Do an Aroma-therapeutic Mediation
If smudging isn't for you (no smoke preferred), then definitely give aromatherapy a try.
One of the things I like to do is take our homemade sprays and use them in either the shower or a bath. All i have to do is spray the essential oil-fused water above me, close my eyes, and take a deeeeep breath. I then take some essential oil, only a few drops, and rub it upon my skin. Then, before going to bed, I spray some more of the homemade spray upon my pillow, rub my feet with some of the wax from a homemade soy candle, cover my feet with socks, and then go to sleep. This grants me not only more restful sleep, but more vivid dreams.
*If you plan to do this, then test the essential oil and wax on your skin first. A few drops rubbed on the backside of your wrist is perfect. If after a few minutes you don't have any reaction, then you should be good to go!

Clean Your Home
Sometimes the simplest form of magick is in the ways we don't expect. Since you are home, make it really feel like home. Take good care of it (and therefore take care of yourself and family) by cleaning it. Do some dusting, vacuuming, the dishes and laundry. Mop the floors, fluff the pillows, put things away in their proper places, clear out that room you've been promising yourself to do.
By cleansing your home, you are also able to clean out your mind. The action mixed with the satisfaction of a clean home is amazing. It's almost like magick. ;)
Is there an At-Home Magick suggestion you have?
Leave a comment below! What do you do at home that's magickal?
Be sure to check out our other blog posts to get ideas of things to do while at home.