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Magical Dates to Remember for 2021

Writer: Jenn | Dual CrossroadsJenn | Dual Crossroads

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Happy New Year! With the prior year over and a new one arrived, now is the time to start everything anew, refreshed, and with renewed goals. Here are important dates you will want to put on your calendar as we venture into this new year together!

Full Moons

The full moon is the best time to put your crystals out for some cleansing, to do any other powerful moon-based rituals.

The moon will become full on:

  • Jan 28 at 11:16 am - Wolf Moon or Cold Moon

  • Feb 27 at 12:17 am - Snow Moon or Quickening Moon

  • Mar 28 at 11:48 am - Worm Moon or Storm Moon

  • Apr 26 at 8:31 pm - Pink Moon or Wind Moon

  • May 26 at 4:13 am - Flower Moon -- Also has a lunar eclipse! It will then become a "Blood Moon". It will also be coming out of a "Super Moon" phase!

  • Jun 24 at 11:39 am - Strawberry Moon or Strong Moon

  • Jul 23 at 7:36 pm - Buck Moon or Blessing Moon

  • Aug 22 at 5:01 am - Sturgeon Moon or Corn Moon

  • Sep 20 at 4:54 pm - Harvest Moon

  • Oct 20 at 7:56 am - Hunter's Moon or Blood Moon

  • Nov 19 at 12:57 am - Beaver Moon or Mourning Moon or Frost Moon

  • Dec 18 at 8:35 pm - Cold Moon or Long Night's Moon

Mercury Retrograde

When Mercury Retrograde happens, we tend to notice more issues in the areas of communication, in the way we interact with others and in our surroundings and neighborhood. It may also show up in our travel, the way we get around and in our interaction with our siblings. You can read more about what Mercury Retrograde is and how you can work alongside it at our blog post, here!

There will be three Mercury retrograde cycles in 2021.

  • January 30th to February 20th

  • May 29th to June 22

  • September 27th to October 23rd

Equinox and Solstices

These dates mark the change of the seasons. The Equinox is a time in which the Sun is closest to our Equator (Spring and Autumn), and the Solstices is when it is furthest away (Summer and Winter).

The following dates are the Equinox and Solstice for the Earth's Northern Hemisphere. It is reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

  • March 20th - Spring Equinox (at 2:37 am PDT)

  • June 20th - Summer Solstice (at 8:32 pm PDT)

  • September 22nd - Autumn Equinox (at 12:21 pm PDT)

  • December 21st - Winter Solstice (at 7:59 am PST)

Pagan Celebrations (and some Christian)

These dates coincide with the Equinox and Solstice events.

  • February 2nd: Imbolc (Lammas / Lughnasadh in the Southern Hemisphere)

  • February 14th: Valentine's Day (a Christian and Pagan holiday)

  • March 17th: St, Patrick's Day

  • March 20th: Ostara (or Mabon for the Southern Hemisphere)

  • May 1st: Beltane (feast of fire and fertility / Samhain for the S. Hemisphere)

  • June 20th: Litha (or Yule for Southern Hemisphere)

  • August 1st: Lammas / Lughnasadh (Imbolc for the Southern Hemisphere)

  • September 22nd: Mabon (or Ostara for Southern Hemisphere)

  • October 31st: Samhain (Beltane for the Southern Hemisphere)

  • November 1st-3rd: Dia de los Muertos

  • December 21st: Yule (Litha for the Southern Hemisphere)

  • December 25th: Christmas Day


  • May 26th: Total Lunar Eclipse -- (Fully eclipsed at 4:11:26 am. Hasn't happened since 2019.)

  • June 10th: Annular Solar Eclipse -- (Full at 2:49:50 am for Los Angeles)

  • November 19th: Partial Lunar Eclipse -- (Maximum at 1:02:55 am. It will be visible in much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, North/West Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic.)

  • December 4th : Total Solar Eclipse -- (this will not be visible to the USA. Only to South in Australia, South in Africa, South in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.)

Other Special Sky Events

  • Jan 8th-11th: A planetary trio! Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn get close together the appear as a trio together. Astronomers haven’t seen any three planets this way since October 2015, when Venus, Jupiter and Mars last did it.

  • Feb 11th: Venus-Jupiter Conjunction

  • April 21st - 22nd: Lyrids Meteor Shower peaks

  • May 25th - Super Moon! The moon will come to its closest point to Earth. It will be 30% brighter, and 14% bigger than normal for us. The moon is considered to be very powerful during this time. And it is the day before it's completely full.

  • August 2nd - Saturn in Opposition (This means Earth is directly aligned with Saturn and the Sun, with us right in the center)

  • August 12th: the Perseid Meteor Shower peaks (that's my birthday!)

  • August 18: Mars-Mercury conjunction

  • September 14th: Neptune in opposition

  • December 13th: Geminid Meteor Shower

Are there any special 2021 events that you know about? Comment below and let us know! Until then, have an amazing 2021!


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