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Psychic Development Master Class I, II and III

Thu, Apr 23


Online Zoom

A three part, 90 minute series of classes for those wishing to improve their psychic abilities -- whether already skilled or still a novice. No matter what stage you are, you can learn to develop your already innate psychic abilities.

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Psychic Development Master Class I, II and III
Psychic Development Master Class I, II and III

Time & Location

Apr 23, 2020, 3:00 PM

Online Zoom

About The Event

A three part, 90 minute series of classes for those wishing to improve their psychic abilities -- whether already skilled or still a novice. No matter what stage you are, you can learn to develop your already innate psychic abilities. 

Outcomes of the class are gaining an overall feeling of confidence to reach a higher psychic state while increasing safety for oneself and others,  and feeling inspired to pursue further development of psychic ability with knowledge and increased skill.  

Normally $45 per class, we've discounted the class to $33 due to everyone being affected financially by the coronavirus quarantine. We hope this helps, and that you will join us in this series!

Class I: April 23rd

Safety, creating protection for yourself and others from any negative influences. Dimensional Levels of Beings and structure of Spiritual Multiverse, this class offers an advanced framework to grow and learn from.   

Class II: April 30th

Opening to Greater Psychic Ability,  developing Spiritual seeing, hearing and feeling. Receive energy and messages from Ancestors, Spirit Guides your Higher Self and more.   

Class III: May 7th

Helping yourself and others. How to interpret energy and information you receive. How to attract higher Guides. Learn the difference from how humans think and how higher Guides think so you can more accurately interpret messages  

Zoom location: Only available to those who register with a ticket. Emailed upon receipt of ticket.

Who is Spanda? Spanda had a moment of Awakening Light as a four year old child. Spanda was a psychic child and has given people messages for 50 years. Having lived in higher awareness his entire life, he still dedicated himself to a time of intense practice, spending six years meditating three hours per day. Spanda has guiding people in spiritual growth for over twenty five years including  meditation teacher training, energy healing  and psychic development courses. These three master classes on Psychic development will help  students to a practice at a profound level.

Course Requirements: Be timely. Dedicate oneself to the class with sincerity, enthusiasm and respect for others. The integrity that you bring to class will determine your benefits from it. Students should enter into the class with a spirit of impeccability and sincerity, while honoring themselves and others in class.  

Accommodations for students with disabilities In compliance with applicable legislation, laws, regulations, and policies, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations preferably should be made one week before the class, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made. 

Inclusive Statement We understand that students represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Spanda is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity of culture, level of experience and study and diversity of thought . While working together to build this learning community we ask all members to: 

  • share their unique experiences, values and beliefs 
  • be open to the views of others
  • honor the uniqueness of their colleagues 
  • appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community 
  • value each other’s opinions and communicate in a respectful manner 


  • Entire Series -- $99

    This ticket is nonrefundable, and will issue you the link to the class upon payment.

    Sale ended
  • Class I - April 23rd

    This ticket is nonrefundable, and will issue you the link to the class upon payment.

    Sale ended
  • Class II - April 30th

    This ticket is nonrefundable, and will issue you the link to the class upon payment.

    Sale ended
  • Class III - May 7th

    This ticket is nonrefundable, and will issue you the link to the class upon payment.

    Sale ended



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